• The right solution for every cooling application!
    Materials handling devices

Materials handling devices

The most di­verse types of ma­te­ri­als han­dling de­vices equipped with AKG heat ex­chang­ers are in use through­out the world. As an OEM sup­plier AKG sup­plies sys­tem so­lu­tions.

AKG heat ex­chang­ers pro­vide a high de­gree of flex­i­bil­ity for these ma­chines. In op­ti­mum agree­ment with the ap­plic­a­ble op­er­at­ing and ap­pli­ca­tion con­di­tions as well as the avail­able op­er­at­ing space, it is pos­si­ble to en­sure the best tech­ni­cal and eco­nomic so­lu­tions.

The AKG per­for­mance spec­trum cov­ers sin­gle cool­ers, cool­ing mod­ules and com­plete cool­ing sys­tems con­sist­ing of the prod­ucts men­tioned ear­lier as well as elec­tri­cal or hy­draulic dri­ven fans.

AKG – efficient cooling systems contributing to a greener and sustainable world

AKG supports the decarbonization of the global economy with efficient cooling and thermal management systems for alternative drive concepts and clean energy for customers in selected industries, such as wind energy, electronics and fuel cell cooling. It has always been our goal to improve thermal solutions, starting in 1919 with automotive cooling over the recent past with the cooling of combustion engines in different applications until today’s Green Thermal Solutions. We believe that we can help our customers all over the world to meet their “net-zero” emission targets. AKG Green Thermal Solutions is our approach to help creating a sustainable future.


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