Heat sinks for power electronics from an expert cooler manufacturer
Configurable components and comprehensive engineering from heat transfer specialists.
Maximum effectiveness for every coolant type with compact heat transfer and effective pressure management.
A century of aluminum brazing, welding, gluing, and assembly, combined with modern production practices yields durable parts at a high quality standard.
Cold Plates – Liquid-Cooled Heat Sinks
Brazed aluminum with robust design features offers thermal and mechanical advantages in electronics cooling.
- Optimal thermal design
- High thermal conductivity to coolant
- Flexible design for flow and fitting locations
- High pressure capability with no deformation
- Efficient and compact heat rejection from the system

Air-Cooled Heat Sinks
High-performance brazed aluminum heat sinks in electronics cooling, optimized for customer needs.
- Tight fin density
- Design flexibility with configurable components
- Efficient heat transfer with minimal airflow resistance
- Efficient and compact heat rejection from the system
- LPE Line: fin geometry specially designed to improve performance in the critical points of the heat sink ("3D effect”)
Cabinet Air Coolers
Efficient air-to-air aluminum coolers for electronics enclosure cooling, optimized for customer needs.
- Variety of available fin densities
- Separation of internal and external compartment air for IP65 and IP66 rating
- Maintenance free
- Efficient heat transfer from air to air
- Design flexibility with configurable components

Electronics Cooling Systems
In addition to offering individual components, AKG’s engineers can design a complete solution for electronics cooling to fit your application.
Using coolers from AKG’s standard line of coolers, we offer radiators, oil coolers, and appropriate designs for other types of fluid cooling. For compact applications, AKG’s cooling experts can create a custom solution to fill the needs of your innovation.
Get in touch
AKG Thermotechnik International
GmbH & Co. KG
Am Hohlen Weg 31
D-34369 Hofgeismar • Germany
Phone: + 49 5671 - 8 83 - 1184
Email: electronics@akg-group.com

We help you to achieve your goals:
- System supplier for innovative high performance cooling systems
- Global presence with local production and regional engineering support
- Family-run, reliable and durable
- Integration of components into ready-made Plug&Play solutions
- New ways to simplify assembly and logistics for our customers
- Complete responsibility for modules and systems
- Technology competence
- Service orientation
- Handling of the entire value chain
- Industry knowledge through 100 years of experience
- Fulfillment of all technical specification
- Competence and resources
- Design and simulations software
- Extensive testing equipment and cutting-edge measurement technology
- Advanced project management (APQP)

AKG – efficient cooling systems contributing to a greener and sustainable world
AKG supports the decarbonization of the global economy with efficient cooling and thermal management systems for alternative drive concepts and clean energy for customers in selected industries, such as wind energy, electronics and fuel cell cooling. It has always been our goal to improve thermal solutions, starting in 1919 with automotive cooling over the recent past with the cooling of combustion engines in different applications until today’s Green Thermal Solutions. We believe that we can help our customers all over the world to meet their “net-zero” emission targets. AKG Green Thermal Solutions is our approach to help creating a sustainable future.